Wednesday, December 16, 2009
Baby hump time
This is my ever growing belly! I am 22 weeks and finally poppin out! I have wanted to be showing since I got pregnant. I'm proud of my baby bump and the growing babes inside! Babes... plural! It's still so crazy to think there are 2 little babies growing and living in me!! I can definitely see my belly growing with each week. I love being pregnant.
IT'S OfFiCiAl!!!
Everyone, say hello to the new Mrs. Gurman!!! Yay!! This post is actually quite embarrassing. I officially changed my name yesterday and yes I do realize it has been almost 2 years since I got married! But, now it's done and it feels so cool! All my things say Lisa M. Gurman. I am no longer a Williams (well of course I will always be a WILLIAMS), you know what I mean. Yay for growing up. :)
Hello Crab!
Sunday, December 13, 2009
Happy Birthday To Me :)
Finding out we are having TWINS was the best birthday present ever! On my actual birthday, Friday the 11th, Hayden woke up early and made me breakfast! So yummy! Then I had to go to a biomechanics review (yes, it was as much fun as it sounds). Then Hayden picked me up and we ate lunch and headed up to Salt Lake. We went to the humane society and played with/walked a bunch of dogs. We LOVE dogs and used to go there at least once a week when we lived up in Taylorsville. After that, Hayden made me put a blindfold on as we drove to our next destination. Hayden helped me out of the car, up some steps and when I took off the blindfold we were in a hotel suite in downtown Salt Lake! I was completely surprised! Hayden had been saving money up from work and booked it and packed our bags and everything without me knowing! This is a pretty special birthday because it's our last one together before the babies come! Hayden planned for us to go to the temple, but he forgot his recommend so we took a nap and then went out to dinner at Winger's! Yes, I picked the place and yes it was fabulous! I absolutely love winger's! It is amazing and they gave us a free asphalt pie for my birthday, which was huge by the way. We went back to our room and watched some movies and just enjoyed each other's company. It is so fun being married to your best friend. No matter where you are or what you are doing, you are having a good time! I had a wonderful birthday with my sweetie. Thank you Hayden for making me feel so special! I love you! Oh, and I'm 24 by the way.
Wednesday, December 9, 2009
We're Seeing Double!!!
AAaaahhhh!!! Ok, so Hayden and I got the SHOCK of our lives yesterday! We went in for our first ultrasound. It was the 20 week ultrasound to measure things, make sure the baby is alright and of course find out the gender! I was sitting there with the warm jelly and machine on my stomach when the ultrasound technician flipped it on and up on the screen popped this image that I thought looked a little odd. It appeared that there were two bodies...I thought that to myself and of course pushed that thought right out when she asked, "Do twins run in your family?" Hayden and I both shouted no and then she said, "There's two! There's two babies!" I will never forget that feeling. it was honestly just complete shock and bewilderment. I couldn't believe it. I kept asking the nurse over and over if she was kidding but the evidence was right in my face!! Hayden was crying and pacing around and we both just kept looking at each other, shaking our heads and laughing. We will never forget that day! The next 20 minutes she spent looking at each baby separately and measuring them. One of the first things I thought when she told us we had twins was that I didn't want 2 girls, no offense to anyone who has twin girls, I have just always said that if I had twins I would want a boy and a girl. Baby A is the baby that is closest to the cervix, or exit. It is the baby that will be delivered first. Baby A is a boy! We were both so excited when she said it was a boy! And even more happy when we saw that baby B was a girl. It was/is a dream come true! Baby A is right on track with measurements and baby b is about 5 days behind, she's a little smaller which it is normal for girls to be smaller than boys. So yeah, that was that! We had to switch from midwives to doctors and have an ultrasound every month and prepare for an early delivery and possible c-section and all the other fun stuff and risks that come with carrying twins! We are truly truly so excited though and feel so blessed (and maybe worried) that Heavenly Father trusts us with twins!!! We still can't believe it. I probably won't believe it until they are both in my arms! Our little boy is going to be Beckham Mark Gurman and the girl is Ellery Michelle Gurman. they are both family names. Beck and Elle. How precious. We couldn't be happier.

This is Hayden and Mike Dame. Hayden and mike have been best friends since I don't know when, let's just say a very long time. They have been through it all together. I have also known Mike since I was about 11! Yikes! Mike (thank heavens!) is the reason Hayden moved out to Utah in the first place! Mike got Hayden and I involved with Summer sales. He was the manager our first Summer in Nashville. This past Summer Mike sold security while Hayden and I opted to try out pest control. Mike and Hayden are now co-managing their office this Summer for Ecosure Pest Control! We are all very excited. Hayden and Mike work very well together and also have a lot of fun! Their office is going to be amazing and I am actually excited for the Summer.
Thanksgiving in Sunny AZ!
Me, Hayden, Brian and my parents all made it down to warm Arizona for Thanksgiving! My dad was able to get us all buddy passes to fly down there and it was SO nice! We stayed with Jodi and Chris in their LOVELY house. It was such a fun trip! We played a lot of disc golf (well the guys did... us girls just watched them), went to The Blind Side (Amazing!), ate a TON of food, talked, laughed, played games, watched football and just enjoyed each other's company. The weather was gorgeous down there! We also went to the Mesa temple lights, which were so beautiful.
Ok, so on November 24, 2009 a groundbreaking event took place. My Hayden Gurman got a ace playing disc golf! So you may be wondering what this is, well it is actually a VERY big deal and HUGE accomplishment! From about 240 feet Hayden threw his disc and made it in ONE shot straight into the basket!!! Aces happen very rarely in disc golf and usually take years. Hayden has been playing for about 8 months, which makes his ace even more spectacular. Chris, my brother-in-law, was the only witness to the awe inspiring event. He has been quoted as saying he got goose bumps. Needless to say, I was very sad and disappointed I wasn't there to see it, but I will make sure I'm there for the next one! God job love!!
Mom and Dad came to town
Sunday, November 1, 2009
Sunday, October 18, 2009
Fun with family in the fall!
Julie, Tucker and their precious girls came to Provo! We got to hang out with them and had so much fun! Every 2 years there is a Cheyenne, WY reunion party so we attended that Sat night. It was fun to see old friends and be with family. My nieces are seriously so adorable and we're so glad we got to see them!

Thursday, October 8, 2009
Tuesday, October 6, 2009
Hayden and Lisa + one on the way!
It's official...We are pregnant. Hayden and I went to the doctor today to make sure things are going good. We got to hear the heart beat! It was so amazing! It was so surreal and crazy to think there really is another LIFE growing inside of me! I have been really really sick so it's nice to know it's for a good reason! I am almost 12 weeks along and am due April 25th. Hayden and I are seriously ecstatic! We are so excited to have this baby and add to our family! It just seems like it is so far away and that I'm never REALLY going to have this I? I can't decide if I want a boy or girl, I have told most people I want a girl first, but now I don't know. I think I will be really excited and happy for either! Hayden of course wants a boy. It will be so fun to find all that out, but we won't know till December. And for those who don't know, Jodi and Julie are both pregnant too so we are all pregnant together!!! Ahh so crazy! Jodi is due first, then me, then Julie like 5 days later! It will be so neat to find out what we are all having!!
Sunday, October 4, 2009
8/30/09 Dustin Johnson's farwell
8/29/09 Back in Provo!!!
We made it back to Provo!!! It feels so good to be back. My dad was here dropping Brian off to the dorms so we got to hang out with him for a few days. Which helped out a bunch when we needed to unload our storage unit. We are living in a basement apartment right above Timpview High School. We are both in school and busy as ever. Hayden got a job at Maglby's as a server. Life is great.
8/20/09 Brian's Birf day
8/10/09 The Bachelor Party
Alright, let me explain. Danny, one of the guys on Hayden's team, was getting married soon. So Hayden decided to throw him a Bachelor Party that he would never forget. Dustin and him went and bought some clothes, I did their make-up, and they danced and made him feel very uncomfortable. Its was great but very disturbing. Hayden looked like a girl more than a lot of girls out there.
8/08/09 Six Flags Denver
Since Denver has a Six Flags, we had to go sometime during the summer. Hayden made the team hit a goal and of course they hit it so we all went to ride some rides. We only had a few hours to take advantage of the park but we all had fun. Afterwards we took the team out to "CityGrill". This resturant sells one of the 5 top burgers in America. This burger is to die for. Everyone enjoyed it so much.
7/24/09 Cheyenne Frontier Days
Hayden and Brian took some days off to go up to Cheyenne for Frontier Days. Everyone in the family came up to spend time with each other and enjoy the festivities. Frontier Days claims to be one of the largest outdoor rodeo and western celebration in the world. We went to the fair, at some funnel cakes, and Hayden and my Dad broke up a fight twice between two 16 year old girls.
7/11/09 Fight Night!!!
Buffulo Wild Wings was hosting a fight night so we all decided to go. UFC had some of the best fighters competing against each other. Hayden loves ultimate fighting but I thinks he enjoyed his 24 wings a little bit more. I loved it!!! I couldn't get enough of it. I know that we are not supposed to watch such violent things but it was such a rush watching these fights.

Hayden just getting started with his wings

Me entranced in a fight
Hayden just getting started with his wings
Me entranced in a fight
7/11/09 Water World with the Team
We created an incentive for the team that if we hit a certain goal we would go to "Water World". Well, we hit our goal and we all got to go. We had so much fun!!! The whole team needed this getaway really bad. Especially Hayden, he was working so hard to help the team be successful.
Since they are all outside all day long, the sun gives them some killer farmer tans. We had a contest to see who had the worst one. Danny with the man chest took the win.
6/29/09 More Disc Golf
Monday, August 31, 2009
HAM Crew Re-united
Our long-time friend Andy Dame came to Denver! While he was here we got to hang out and he and Hayden played disc golf! It was so so fun to see him and hang out! He hadn't seen Brian in years so that was cool for them to see each other. His brother Matt also came into town and I got to see him for a sec! Oh how we love love the Dames! They are all such special and fun people!
Gainesville Crew re-unite. It has been along time and Hayden said it was well worth every minute. Hayden has been friends with these guys for a while.
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