My cousin Brooke gave us a TON of ADORABLE girl clothes, accessories, and shoes! This was the day we went through it all!
Who wouldn't want to wake up to this face!!
Ha ha here is my little ham Beck! I love the way he shows his two bottom teeth!
I love my little muscle man!
Ellery enjoying her pink birthday cupcake!
And Beckham enjoying his green birthday cupcake!
Hayden got in on the birthday action! March 15th, Elle and Beck's birthday! Can't believe they are ONE!
I don't know what they put in that frosting, but they had some crazy colored poop the next day!
Dinner time!
Thankfully, feeding time isn't always this messy! (They get the most messy when dad feeds them :))
Love Elle's giant smile! She must get it from her parents!
And I love those big eyes!
Beck started standing by himself and now walks around a bit too!! Growing up so fast!
Love hanging out with my sweet babes! Especially in the morning when they are so happy!
Look at that hair!
Ha ha love this boy!!
Ha ha funniest face ever!
This was the first time I actually did something with Elle's hair! Isn't it cute! Two little pigtails!
And this is how much she liked having her hair done...
Wow! What a crazy couple of months it has been! The semester is almost over and I am almost graduated! Hayden has been very busy with school and recruiting and training for his job as a manager for Ecofirst Pest Control. We're headed to Sacramento, CA this summer! Elle and Beck turned one! It was an emotional day for me, thinking back on all we had gone through in the past year, but I can honestly say I have never had so much joy! Twins are SO much work, but I love them so much! They are the sweetest funniest little babies and I love being their mother! Like I mentioned above, Beck is walking! It is the cutest thing ever! It totally catches me off guard though when he strolls wobbly past me! Who knows when Elle will walk! They are healthy and happy and are doing great! We have truly been so blessed. Hayden has been accepted into the Advertising program at BYU so now he has about two years left! I don't mind at all. I love my family so much! Hopefully I'll keep up-to-date with our blog for the Summer!! Talk to you soon!