Ok, so what a crazy week we had!! We are so glad it is Monday and a new week(especially because we are on VACATION!!). Last week Hayden and I had to study for finals, take all of our finals, move everything out of our apartment, pack for cali/Denver and clean the entire apartment! We told our leasing agent we would be out by the 21st, but the more we thought about it the more we just wanted to hurry and get to Cali!! So we decided to cram all the above mentioned things into a couple of days and we did it! I can't believe it's all over! Hayden took engagement pictures for a couple Satuday night, but after that we got everything finished and we left Provo at 11 pm!! We drove all night, taking turns, and got in to Bakersfield at 7:30 in the morning!!! The trip was actually not that bad and went by pretty fast. the greatest part was seeing my parents faces when we walked in!! They thought we were coming Monday so it was a big surprise!! So fun!! We have only been here one day and it has already been so much fun! we have the best family. The weather here is gorgeous so we went on a walk last night.

Me attempting to get any type of sleep during our trip to Cali...

Me apparently successful at getting some sleep on our way to cali...Hayden loves to take cute pictures of me while I am sleeping(sarcasm)

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