Tuesday, February 23, 2010


Hello everyone! I made it through one week at the hospital!! Yay!!! It actually has not been bad at all. I don't mind being on bed rest. The only thing that has been really frustrating is that I have been sick. :( I have some kind of sinus infection/cold/cough whatever, but they are giving me pills and stuff so slowly each day I am getting a little better. Once I feel 100%, things will be much better! I like the hospital. The nurses are all very nice and take good care of me. I like my room with my great view outside and I even like the food! I find things to do to make the time pass like work on my independent study class, take naps, youtube etc. Hayden has moved in with me (of course he's my hubby!!) so whenever he's not at school or work he is here which is so nice! The babies have both been doing great this week. Their heart rates have remained stable. I had a doppler reading today where they measured the flow of the umbilical cords like they did last week. They are both the exact same, which is good. Elle's cord doesn't flow all the time like it should, it actually stops from time to time. The doctor said what eventually happens is the flow will not only stop, but reverse and flow the other direction! That is when the babies come out. Also, next week they will do another doppler reading and measure them to see if Elle has grown. If she hasn't grown at all they might take them out as well. So for now, the babes are doing fine, Elle's condition could get worse in 3 days or 3 weeks... no one knows!! So we'll see... but thank you so much to everyone who has called, commented, came to visit, prayed, or even thought about us!!! We really really appreciate everything and love you all! And also, please please don't feel bad if you aren't able to come visit!!! We feel all your love no matter where you are!!!

1 comment:

Pam said...

Way to go, Lisa! You are doing great and you have the best attitude ever. Elle likes the hospital too...that's why she's behaving so well ;) I'll come see you when I get back from St. George. Don't be having any babies while I'm away....XOXO