My brother Eric and I were lucky enough to be the ones to actually drop him off. It was such a neat experience, as quick as it was. As we drove into the MTC, there were tons of missionaries, the new ones entering and the older ones helping them in, and all three of us suddenly had a big rush of adrenaline and excitement! At one point Brian said, "Wow, I'm really going to be a missionary!" There were older men dressed up in gear guiding our car down further and further to marker 25 where we could park and let Brian out. The first older man we came across said, "One of you guys must be a missionary! Where are you going, Chile?" We laughed and said no and then Brian told him where he was going, after which Eric affirmed the man that Chile was where he had served his mission. The excitement grew and grew until we finally reached our destination. Two missionaries jumped up and down and pumped their arms enthusiastically as pulled to a stop. They were there to help Brian with his luggage and guide him to the right place. I took some last minute video and pictures of Brian. When it was time for me to say goodbye, I wasn't even sad. Well, maybe a tinge. But I was just too excited for him!! We watched him walk off and then he turned and waved one last time! Eric and I drove off and talked of how happy and excited we were for Brian to begin his mission journey. I love Brian so much and know he is going to do amazing things as a servant of the Lord for the next two years.
Saturday, September 11, 2010
I hOpE tHeY cAlL mE oN a MiSsIoN!!
Well it finally happened! Elder Brian Mark Williams entered the Missionary Training Center at 1:45 pm on Wednesday, September 8th. Grandpa Chuck came up from Payson to say goodbye to Brian. Hayden was next, who had to leave to go pick up his mom from the airport. It was a very emotional moment when Hayden said goodbye to Brian. Hayden has really come to love Brian over the past 3 years that we've been together. He looks up to Brian in many ways and is going to miss him a lot.
My brother Eric and I were lucky enough to be the ones to actually drop him off. It was such a neat experience, as quick as it was. As we drove into the MTC, there were tons of missionaries, the new ones entering and the older ones helping them in, and all three of us suddenly had a big rush of adrenaline and excitement! At one point Brian said, "Wow, I'm really going to be a missionary!" There were older men dressed up in gear guiding our car down further and further to marker 25 where we could park and let Brian out. The first older man we came across said, "One of you guys must be a missionary! Where are you going, Chile?" We laughed and said no and then Brian told him where he was going, after which Eric affirmed the man that Chile was where he had served his mission. The excitement grew and grew until we finally reached our destination. Two missionaries jumped up and down and pumped their arms enthusiastically as pulled to a stop. They were there to help Brian with his luggage and guide him to the right place. I took some last minute video and pictures of Brian. When it was time for me to say goodbye, I wasn't even sad. Well, maybe a tinge. But I was just too excited for him!! We watched him walk off and then he turned and waved one last time! Eric and I drove off and talked of how happy and excited we were for Brian to begin his mission journey. I love Brian so much and know he is going to do amazing things as a servant of the Lord for the next two years.

My brother Eric and I were lucky enough to be the ones to actually drop him off. It was such a neat experience, as quick as it was. As we drove into the MTC, there were tons of missionaries, the new ones entering and the older ones helping them in, and all three of us suddenly had a big rush of adrenaline and excitement! At one point Brian said, "Wow, I'm really going to be a missionary!" There were older men dressed up in gear guiding our car down further and further to marker 25 where we could park and let Brian out. The first older man we came across said, "One of you guys must be a missionary! Where are you going, Chile?" We laughed and said no and then Brian told him where he was going, after which Eric affirmed the man that Chile was where he had served his mission. The excitement grew and grew until we finally reached our destination. Two missionaries jumped up and down and pumped their arms enthusiastically as pulled to a stop. They were there to help Brian with his luggage and guide him to the right place. I took some last minute video and pictures of Brian. When it was time for me to say goodbye, I wasn't even sad. Well, maybe a tinge. But I was just too excited for him!! We watched him walk off and then he turned and waved one last time! Eric and I drove off and talked of how happy and excited we were for Brian to begin his mission journey. I love Brian so much and know he is going to do amazing things as a servant of the Lord for the next two years.
Monday, September 6, 2010
Hello everybody!! Sorry it has been sooo long since I did a post and updated our blog! Sheesh! We have been busy busy (and still very much are) but I thought I would take this moment while the babies are napping (in which I should be studying, but who wants to do that?) to do a post. Hayden finished selling for the summer on August 26th. That day we packed up and drove down to Bakersfield and spent two nights with my parents. It was fun, it's always fun to be be with them. We drove to Provo on Saturday and arrived to find that the occupants in our apartment had not moved out yet. With no bed or furniture or a place to stay, we stayed with Mike and Pam until Monday. School started on Monday and we began to move into our apartment. The first week was crazy!! Holy bajolly. I thought going to school full-time with twins would be easy... I was wrong! It is very difficult and stressful, but oh well right? I gott get it done. I am trying to graduate in April, but might have to push it back to June. We'll see. Needless to say my grades are not going to be the best these next semesters, which sadly (or fortunately) I don't care. Just want to graduate. Unpacking and getting all moved in and settled has been a lot harder this time around with twins! We are still not all settled, but are getting there slowly each day. Brian flies in tomorrow night, we take him to the MTC on Wednesday and then Hayden's mom flies in Wednesday afternoon and will be staying with us for a week! I'm excited to see her and for her to spend time with the babies (which she has not seen yet!). Ok, so here are some things that have happened since my last post:
~ the babies turned 5 months
~ we had a family get together at Shaver lake and Bakersfield
~ we attended the temple as an entire family for the first time and last time for at least 2 years
~ I left my babies with a babysitter for the first time (which I really did not like! You'd think it would be nice to have a break, but I just thought about them and missed them the whole time)
~ Brian spoke at his farewell and us 3 sisters got to sing
~ Hayden finished the summer with the number one office in the company (yes, he wants to do it again next summer... ugh)
Enjoy some pics and until next time!

~ the babies turned 5 months
~ we had a family get together at Shaver lake and Bakersfield
~ we attended the temple as an entire family for the first time and last time for at least 2 years
~ I left my babies with a babysitter for the first time (which I really did not like! You'd think it would be nice to have a break, but I just thought about them and missed them the whole time)
~ Brian spoke at his farewell and us 3 sisters got to sing
~ Hayden finished the summer with the number one office in the company (yes, he wants to do it again next summer... ugh)
Enjoy some pics and until next time!
Friday, July 23, 2010
4 Month Old Twins!
Hi guys! Sorry it has been a while since I posted... busy busy! I finished my online American Heritage class, yay!! The fourth of July was great! We spent it in Hughson, CA with my fam and most of my mom's fam too. On Sunday we blessed the babies and then got together after to eat. It all went so well and Hayden's blessings were so sweet and beautiful! It was such a special experience that I will never forget. I love my babies sooooo much!!! They are seriously so stinkin cute and I just can't get enough of them! Hayden and I will both be going to BYU this fall and I am wondering how I am ever going to get any studying done when all I will want to do is play with my babies! By the way, I should be able to graduate this April, yay!!
So the twins turned 4 months on July 15th. Here are some things about them!
Ellery Michelle Gurman:
-weight: 9 lbs 13oz
-length: about 21 inches
-head: can't remember but it is BIG!! So funny, she is still below the fifth percentile for everything except for her head size!
-she does most things 4 month old do like reach out to objects, follow objects with here eyes and head, respond to sounds, bring hands together (and put them in her mouth), she still doesn't really roll over or even push herself up... oh well! The pediatrician said they aren't expected to do any of the things 4 month olds do because they were preemies so they are doing great! Both happy and healthy!
-she laughed on Wednesday for the first time and oh my goodness it was the funniest thing ever! She doesn't have a cute little dainty girly laugh... it's like a Lisa machine gun laugh... just like her mom! I'm so proud :)
- she still wears newborn clothes but is definitely chubby!
-cutest smile in the world that will melt anyone's heart (my mom says she looks like a dolphin when she smiles?)
-she is usually grumpy when she wakes up and wants to eat, unlike her sweetie brother who will always smile no matter how hungry he is!
-she is a tough cookie! If she gets bumped or scratched or whatever she usually doesn't even react, unlike her brother who can be quite the boob and scream and cry if something happens to him, although I like the fact that I get to hug and cuddle and comfort him when those things happen
-holds her head up well
-LOVES her daddy, always smiles for him, generally loves guys... she is a little flirt!
- spits up a lot! I am constantly changing her clothes!
-sleeps a lot during the day and likes to be awake and play at night
-sometimes sleeps through the night, sometimes doesn't
Beckham Hayden Gurman:
-weight: 12 lbs 9 oz
-height: I can't remember... I think around 22 inches
-head : can't remember, good size though :)
-he is on the charts now for everything!
-he does everything 4 month olds do, my favorite is laying him on his tummy and watching him roll over onto his back! He just did it one day and now does it all the time! Who taught him how to do that!? It is so cute!
-he is the most smiley baby ever! I love it! His smile is so darn cute! He also laughs a lot too, which I adore
-he isn't a fussy baby and doesn't cry that much either unless he is starving or VERY tired, yet even at those times I can get him to smile... he is a genuinely sweet and happy boy! Such a sweet countenance
-he loves everyone, but I like to think of him as a momma's boy and loving me the most :)
- my mom considers him HER baby because she took care of him a lot for a couple weeks when he was first born, he does love his nanna
-we are best friends
-eats all the time still, so does Elle! (and yes they are still just breast milk babies! I have not had to use formula yet! Yay! I am a milking cow!)
-hasn't really been sleeping that much during the day until about 4
-usually sleeps through the night! Then wakes up SO happy in the morning about 8
-takes baths with Elle, they love their bath time!
-they are starting to notice each other more and I love it! Especially when they smile at each other
-Beck started talking on Monday and now he talks a lot! It is the CUTEST thing ever!
-he loves to be held
Oh goodness, I could just go on and on about my sweet babies! I love them more than anything and they have made my life complete! I can't imagine life without them now, yes without BOTH of them, together. They are very special and precious babies.
Tuesday, June 29, 2010
Hello! I am soooo sorry it has been so long since I've done an update on what's going on with us! Basically, I am incredibly busy! Ha, wonder why. Things are going very good here though! Hayden is doing good selling and being a manager and it's fun being around my brothers! The babies are doing great! I feel so incredibly blessed. They have been as healthy as can be, no problems yet! they eat alllllllll the time (like 2 hours, maybe less) but that is understandable... they are trying to grow and catch up! And boy is it working! They are both getting so big! They have really filled out and are soooooo cute! I can't believe they were once my tiny skinny little preemies! They both smile a lot and I llloooovvveee it! Next up: laughing! Really looking forward to that one. Sometimes I try and do the silliest things (i fell very dumb) to try and get them to laugh, but no laughs yet! They are still completely on beast milk! Yay! I mostly pump and give them bottles. It's a lot faster than nursing. So yeah, things are going good out here. I just take care of the babies and try and work on my online class, which I am almost done with. Just have the final left! I am really looking forward to this 4th of july weekend! My family is getting together (minus jules and tuck :() in turlock with my mom's family to celebrate. Then on the 4th we are blessing the babies! I am sooo excited! It has been so much fun raising these two little angels! It is so much work and I constantly find myself thinking how easy it would be with just one, but I couldn't give either of them up! They are so special and priceless. My life would not be complete without BOTH of them here together at the SAME time!!!!
Saturday, June 26, 2010
Monday, May 31, 2010
Thursday, April 29, 2010
Life in Cali so far...
Hi everyone! Sorry it has been a while since I posted anything... we have been super busy! We got Beck home and was so amazing! I finally felt like a real mom! I was having a blast taking care of him and having him at home. It was really crazy going back and forth from home to hospital while Elle was still in the NICU. Thank goodness my mom was there to help! I could not have done it without her! Finally, Ellery came home on Tuesday, April 20th. We took her straight to her appointment with the pediatrician and then up to Highland to see grandma! That was really fun, grandma loved the twins! The next day me, my mom ad Brian headed out to California, leaving Hayden to finish packing and his finals. The trip to Cali went really well! The twins did so great. We stopped twice so I could feed them. Hayden came Thursday night. Saturday the 24th was Hayden's birthday. He got to play disc golf and got some new discs and we had a bbq. The weather was gorgeous in Bakersfield! On Sunday we left to go up to our home for the summer, Livermore. We finally got all unpacked and moved in by Monday night. Wednesday the twins had a checkup appointment with their pediatrician. Everything went really well. Ellery weighs 4 lb 8 oz and Beckham is at 6 lb 6 oz! They are growing really good and I'm so happy about that. Life with both babies home is crazy! I don't get hardly any sleep at night! They are so precious though. They are both good babies that don't cry very much and eat really well. They are healthy and are doing good. Beckham is getting his circumcision a next thursday! :( I hope it goes ok. Poor Beck. He'll thank us when he's older. So yeah, things are going good. Just gettin adjusted and stuff. Talk soon!
Wednesday, April 14, 2010
Monday, April 5, 2010
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