Tuesday, June 29, 2010
Hello! I am soooo sorry it has been so long since I've done an update on what's going on with us! Basically, I am incredibly busy! Ha, wonder why. Things are going very good here though! Hayden is doing good selling and being a manager and it's fun being around my brothers! The babies are doing great! I feel so incredibly blessed. They have been as healthy as can be, no problems yet! they eat alllllllll the time (like 2 hours, maybe less) but that is understandable... they are trying to grow and catch up! And boy is it working! They are both getting so big! They have really filled out and are soooooo cute! I can't believe they were once my tiny skinny little preemies! They both smile a lot and I llloooovvveee it! Next up: laughing! Really looking forward to that one. Sometimes I try and do the silliest things (i fell very dumb) to try and get them to laugh, but no laughs yet! They are still completely on beast milk! Yay! I mostly pump and give them bottles. It's a lot faster than nursing. So yeah, things are going good out here. I just take care of the babies and try and work on my online class, which I am almost done with. Just have the final left! I am really looking forward to this 4th of july weekend! My family is getting together (minus jules and tuck :() in turlock with my mom's family to celebrate. Then on the 4th we are blessing the babies! I am sooo excited! It has been so much fun raising these two little angels! It is so much work and I constantly find myself thinking how easy it would be with just one, but I couldn't give either of them up! They are so special and priceless. My life would not be complete without BOTH of them here together at the SAME time!!!!
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Cute, CUTE!! I was hoping for some new pictures.
Oh Lisa they are adorable!! Seriously filling out! So fun!
I need me some babies!! Can't wait to see you guys in just a few days! I hope the blessing day was awesome. Post some pics!! :)
OMG...they have grown soooo much! They are darling. Miss you guys!
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