Hi guys! Sorry it has been a while since I posted... busy busy! I finished my online American Heritage class, yay!! The fourth of July was great! We spent it in Hughson, CA with my fam and most of my mom's fam too. On Sunday we blessed the babies and then got together after to eat. It all went so well and Hayden's blessings were so sweet and beautiful! It was such a special experience that I will never forget. I love my babies sooooo much!!! They are seriously so stinkin cute and I just can't get enough of them! Hayden and I will both be going to BYU this fall and I am wondering how I am ever going to get any studying done when all I will want to do is play with my babies! By the way, I should be able to graduate this April, yay!!
So the twins turned 4 months on July 15th. Here are some things about them!
Ellery Michelle Gurman:
-weight: 9 lbs 13oz
-length: about 21 inches
-head: can't remember but it is BIG!! So funny, she is still below the fifth percentile for everything except for her head size!
-she does most things 4 month old do like reach out to objects, follow objects with here eyes and head, respond to sounds, bring hands together (and put them in her mouth), she still doesn't really roll over or even push herself up... oh well! The pediatrician said they aren't expected to do any of the things 4 month olds do because they were preemies so they are doing great! Both happy and healthy!
-she laughed on Wednesday for the first time and oh my goodness it was the funniest thing ever! She doesn't have a cute little dainty girly laugh... it's like a Lisa machine gun laugh... just like her mom! I'm so proud :)
- she still wears newborn clothes but is definitely chubby!
-cutest smile in the world that will melt anyone's heart (my mom says she looks like a dolphin when she smiles?)
-she is usually grumpy when she wakes up and wants to eat, unlike her sweetie brother who will always smile no matter how hungry he is!
-she is a tough cookie! If she gets bumped or scratched or whatever she usually doesn't even react, unlike her brother who can be quite the boob and scream and cry if something happens to him, although I like the fact that I get to hug and cuddle and comfort him when those things happen
-holds her head up well
-LOVES her daddy, always smiles for him, generally loves guys... she is a little flirt!
- spits up a lot! I am constantly changing her clothes!
-sleeps a lot during the day and likes to be awake and play at night
-sometimes sleeps through the night, sometimes doesn't
Beckham Hayden Gurman:
-weight: 12 lbs 9 oz
-height: I can't remember... I think around 22 inches
-head : can't remember, good size though :)
-he is on the charts now for everything!
-he does everything 4 month olds do, my favorite is laying him on his tummy and watching him roll over onto his back! He just did it one day and now does it all the time! Who taught him how to do that!? It is so cute!
-he is the most smiley baby ever! I love it! His smile is so darn cute! He also laughs a lot too, which I adore
-he isn't a fussy baby and doesn't cry that much either unless he is starving or VERY tired, yet even at those times I can get him to smile... he is a genuinely sweet and happy boy! Such a sweet countenance
-he loves everyone, but I like to think of him as a momma's boy and loving me the most :)
- my mom considers him HER baby because she took care of him a lot for a couple weeks when he was first born, he does love his nanna
-we are best friends
-eats all the time still, so does Elle! (and yes they are still just breast milk babies! I have not had to use formula yet! Yay! I am a milking cow!)
-hasn't really been sleeping that much during the day until about 4
-usually sleeps through the night! Then wakes up SO happy in the morning about 8
-takes baths with Elle, they love their bath time!
-they are starting to notice each other more and I love it! Especially when they smile at each other
-Beck started talking on Monday and now he talks a lot! It is the CUTEST thing ever!
-he loves to be held
Oh goodness, I could just go on and on about my sweet babies! I love them more than anything and they have made my life complete! I can't imagine life without them now, yes without BOTH of them, together. They are very special and precious babies.
They are so darling!! I can't believe how much they have grow.
They are just beautiful!! CONGARTULATIONS again to the both of you---Children are the best thing EVER!
Lisa, your kids are adorable! So happy to see your cute family! Thanks for the encouragement. It's only been 4 days and I'm about to die laying around all day. My house is a wreck and I feel like a crappy wife and mom. This is going to take some getting used to I guess. I'm going to have to really focus on the end goal to make it. You're amazing! Love your guts!
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