Sunday, March 21, 2010

My Little Angels

Hello! What a week it has been!! One of the best weeks of my life, that's for sure! I love my little babies sooooo much, they really are my sweet little angels. they have been doing great! They were under lights for bilirubin for about 3 days, but are done now, yay! It was such a shame covering up Beckham's gorgeous hair. Also, Beckham is no linger on any oxygen! He is breathing all on his own as of Friday night. I started non-nutritive feedings twice a day. This is when I hold the babies and they practice nursing. I pump right before so they don't get any milk, but learn the idea of it. This is when I am in heaven!! I love love love holding my babies! They are so sweet. I have been doing really well. I am recovering nicely. Having a c-section was actually not bad at all. I thought it was going to be way way worse. We have truly been incredibly blessed! Thank you so so much to everyone who has prayed, fasted, and thought about us, our situation and our babies!!! We know Heavenly Father has heard all our prayers! We are surrounded by LOVE and it is a great time in our lives. :)

1 comment:

Eileen said...

Angels for sure ~ I'm so happy with the babies progress!!!