Monday, April 5, 2010

Hey Guys

Hello! Wow, time flies! So, I have been pretty busy... I pretty much live at the hospital! The babies are doing really really well! It's so annoying cause I just want them to be hoooommmee!! Ugh. Basically, Ellery just needs to keep putting on weight and then they both are working on nursing. They are doing really well! They were doing two feedings a day from me (nursing), then three and now they are doing 4!! I'm hoping Beckham gets to come home this week... it may be the end of this week, but still, THIS week!!! I love my little babies soooo much and can't wait to have them home! It's very difficult changing their diapers with all their cords and wires and such! And trying to see and kiss and smoosh and tickle their little cheeks with a feeding tube taped on the whole side of their face!! Our picture up loader is still not working... so frustrating. Hopefully soon we will be able to put up some new pics! They babies are soo cute and are getting bigger! Especially Beck! But um, yeah... I think that's it. My life is just going and nursing them at the hospital 4 times a day and then pumping when I'm at home. Hayden goes to work and does school. We are getting to move in like 3 weeks! Ahh!! But we are truly so blessed and grateful that our babies are doing well and are healthy. I can't wait for all of you to meet them!!! xoxo

1 comment:

Pam said...

OMG...Lisa, they are so yummy!! I'm DYING to see them. If I come to the hospital, can I see them through the window or anything? You are all doing so great! I'm so proud of you all. How much do they weigh now? Will they let them come home with a feeding tube? What's the criteria for leaving? What about follow up when you move? Details...I want details! XOXOXO